Meet the Creators


You want to find out who is behind Well, you've come to the right place!

"Who needs a crystal ball when you have It's like magic!"

Portrait of Harry Potter
Harry Potter
CEO of Magic

The idea for originates from the pain of easily identifying the location and hosting providers used by websites and webservices. Especially checking if services are hosted inside the European Union to comply with GDPR regulations.

We are a team of two software developers located in Vienna, Austria:

  • Portrait Image of Constantin GrafConstantin Graf. Constantin is a self-employed web developer with a focus on backend development. His expertise lies in building robust and efficient server-side systems. Apart from his contribution to, Constantin is also the founder of This website is a valuable resource for finding European alternatives to popular US services like AWS, Mailchimp, Google Analytics, and more.
  • Portrait Image of Gregor VostrakGregor Vostrak. Gregor is a self-employed full-stack web developer. His main focus when it comes to working on is crafting beautiful user interfaces. He is also building a service which allows you to automate open graph images, sharepics and marketing images based on templates using APIs and integrations.

Together we created to provide an easy-to-use tool for exploring and understanding website hosting infrastructure.